The Nect Portfolio.

Your space for digital identity.

Whether identifying or signing - with Nect's trust services, legally compliant identification is possible anytime, anywhere and without waiting times. Have a look at our product portfolio and learn more about our award-winning technology.

Nect Wallet.

ID card, passport, driving licence & more - the Nect Wallet is the secure storage place for the digital identity. After initial use, all identity documents are automatically stored here securely and only accessible to the holder. Via face recognition, the digitised ID document can be reused for further processes with Nect Ident or Nect Sign within a few seconds.

Our Products.

Nect Ident

Nect Ident

Nect Ident is the fully automated solution for identification via app. In just two steps and around two minutes, users can securely and easily confirm their identity. Record the ID document, do a selfie video, and you''re done. In addition, we enable the use of the electronic function of the German identity card (eID). Our own developed technology automatically guides users through the best possible process.

Nect Sign

Nect Sign

Signing on the go. With Nect Sign, we offer an "all-in-one" solution for the qualified electronic signature (QES), which includes eIDAS-compliant identification. For the issuing of the electronic signature afterwards, we work together with a certified and approved trust service provider. The partnership was audited and confirmed by the Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur).

Further Nect products

Our experts are constantly working on the optimisation and further development of our technology. Our product portfolio is therefore continuously being expanded. Get in touch with us to clarify your individual needs.

Nect Ident – identify digitally.

Step 1

Record ID document.

Step 2

Selfie-Video and read out two words.


Identification successfully finished.

Nect Ident

Record the ID document, do a selfie video, and you're done. The Nect Ident process is not only secure, but also very simple to perform. Nect's patented security technology verifies, among other things, the optically variable security features of the ID document as well as the authenticity of the recordings.

The eIDAS certified Nect technology can read identity documents from almost all countries in the world, ID cards and passports among others. In addition, documents such as the electronic health card or driving licence can be processed.

Nect Ident with eID function.

What is the eID function?

The electronic function of the German ID card (eID) is available to all German citizens whose ID card was issued after 31 October 2010. Using an NFC (Near Field Communication) chip and PIN, ID card holders can identify themselves securely and quickly in this way.

What is the process?

The Nect Ident process including the eID function starts with recording the ID document. Then the NFC chip contained in the ID card is read by touching it with the mobile device. After entering the personal six-digit PIN, the user is verified by bringing the ID card and the mobile device together again. In about three minutes, the official nationwide solution can be used in the Nect Wallet.

Nect Sign – sign digitally.

Step 1

Successful completion of the identification.

Step 2

Check and confirm document.

Step 3

Enter mobile number and the received TAN.


Dokument signed electronically.

Nect Sign

With the qualified electronic signature (QES) from Nect, users can set their digital, legally valid signature in just a few steps. A QES requires identification before signing. We fulfil this by integrating our Nect Ident and security questions into the process.

After successful identification, the document to be signed can be accessed and checked. After entering the mobile number, the user receives a six-digit TAN, which is used to sign the document. In order for the QES to be legally valid, we work together with the trust service provider Bank-Verlag, which is responsible in the background for issuing the certificate confirming the QES.

Nect Security Checks.

Real-time check

Real-time check

Were the recordings made at that exact moment?

Liveness check

Liveness check

Is it a living person and not a photo or a mask?

Face match

Face match

Does the face from the selfie video match the one on the identity document?

Document check

Document check

Is the identity document free of forgery, unchanged and valid? Are the security features present and intact?

Detection of digital manipulation

Detection of digital manipulation

Detection of digital manipulations such as the alteration of text to deep fakes.

Inhouse Development

Inhouse Development

As we develop our technology completely in-house, our security checks are always up-to-date and even meet tomorrow's standards.


Our partner network consists of companies from various industries where your customers can reuse the Nect Wallet and their stored digital identity. Become part of it.






Health insurances





Become part of our growing partner network.

Let's talk business.

Schedule a demo for our patented technology to start onboarding your online identification strategy.

Contact us today to get access to:

  • The highest-rated online identification experience.
  • Our growing NECTwork with more than 4 million users. See our partners.
  • Our simple and user-friendly onboarding and dedicated technical support.
    Together we are shaping the digital identity of tomorrow.
    Benny Bennet JürgensFounder & CEO
    Carlo UlbrichCo-Founder & CSO

    Contact our Sales Team

    I have read and understood Nect's Data Protection Policy. Your data provided here will only be processed for other purposes if you have given separate consent or if a legal regulation permits this processing.

    Together we are shaping the digital identity of tomorrow.
    Benny Bennet JürgensFounder & CEO
    Carlo UlbrichCo-Founder & CSO